Saturday, December 3, 2011

Herman Cain Used the Affirmative Action He Decries to Advance.

Before we heard about Herman Cain’s 4 a.m. call to Ginger White, there was George Clooney’s in Ides of March, the fall film that featured a presidential candidate making a 2:30 a.m. call to the intern, who was in the sack with one of Clooney's top aides.

We all also remember Hillary’s 3 a.m. phone call ad in 2008, so we’re now in the midst of our third presidential election cycle, two of them real, dominated by early morning siren calls that test White House mettle.

But the mystery of Herman Cain is not whether Ginger White’s phone records will finally disconnect him from his 999 area code.

The reason we should all still care about this soon-to-be Invisible Man is the odd GOP phobia that caused his surge in the first place. How he became the biggest Mr. October since Reggie Jackson is a window into the psychosis gripping a party that, in a year, may be ruling all of Washington.

Essentially unemployed since he left the National Restaurant Association in 1999, confounded by Libya, a blogger who insisted there was no 2008 recession as late as that September, Cain nonetheless climbed to the top of the national, Iowa, and South Carolina polls and stayed there until the second week of November. The pizza man even delivered big wins in the Florida and Georgia straw polls. And when four women charged that he took his role as the head of the hospitality industry a bit too seriously, he brushed civil settlements aside as if they weren’t on his tab and still stalked the White House.
Read more here


  1. Until now, I never knew a good bio of the working history of Herman Cain and trucking through this article, I realize just how shady the dealings with him and his former companies are. It's scary to believe that a man like this could possibly rule the very guns that protect me. Why wouldn't anyone speak about the Pillsbury deal? This is crazy. I'm going to have to (or steer clear of) read more about this. It's quite interesting.

  2. Annastasia Allen AAAS 2100-U50December 4, 2011 at 10:04 PM

    Wow...I never knew all of this about Herman Cain, and this is the man that a party trusted and believes can run this country more effectively than President Obama? Wow...
