Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tim Wise at First Church of Boston, April 20, 2011 – “Beached White Males” and the Pathology of Privilege

Here is a brief video clip from my recent appearance at a fundraiser for Community Change, in Boston. I am discussing the recent Newsweek cover story about the recession and “beached white males,” and the way the authors missed the real story. It’s not that white men are the hardest hit in this recession–they aren’t by a long shot–but because of privilege and entitlement, they have had the hardest time coping with the exigencies of an imploding economy…sadly, instead of using the experience to foment solidarity with folks of color, many are missing the larger lessons…
read more here

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Mr. Wise. I think that white people have been looking down on blacks so long that they fail to realize that economic recession and depression is not prejudice towards other races than blacks. Did Newsweek think that broke, white people are a new crisis in America? Sometimes, I think the media portrays African American poverty as one of those third world country infomercials. As if white America is suppose to look at us in amazement and think they poverty can never happen to them; as if their color is a protectant from economic depression. The media plays a huge role in this. As a journalism major, the media is bias to certain groups of people. The story in Newsweek was not informational, it was more like a "DUH" story: if one group is suffering, all groups are suffering.
