Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Bad Year for White Whine: College Scholarships and the Cult of Caucasian Victimhood

Texas State University student Colby Bohnannon would like you to know, it’s hard out there for a white guy.
When looking for money for college, the Iraq War veteran claims he had a hard time finding any, at least of the scholarship variety. And this, he wants you to believe, is due to the lack of such awards for white men, as opposed to the presumably substantial funds set aside for students of color. So, frustrated in his quest for white male scholarships, he’s created one, under the aegis of his new organization, the “Former Majority Association for Equality.” Get it? As in, we white folks used to be the majority, but since we’re not anymore (at least in Texas), now we’re the ones being shut out of opportunity, and in need of some affirmative action.
FMAE’s scholarships, which will amount to about $500 each, will be awarded only to white men with 3.0 grade-point-averages. Why white women are excluded from his beneficence, and why he is applying a rather bizarre blood quantum test to the awards (offering them to anyone with at least one-quarter white ancestry), remain mysteries. Especially since it would take some incredibly brain-dead math to suggest either that white men alone had ever been a majority anywhere, since displaced by the dreaded “other,” or that those with at least one white grandparent are not still a majority today, even in Texas, where large numbers of Hispanics are quite recently connected to Anglos.
Read more here


  1. It is hard to believe that white males suffer from racism. Racism is similar to a virus with no cure.

  2. Affirmative action is a very controversial subject. Some would even go as far as calling it "reverse discrimination". However, I call it "balancing". Suppose you have a white and black man with the exact same application,credentials,education, and resume Basically each candidate is equally qualified and the only difference is their race. If the whole entire employement body is white, why not use race as a hiring determinate. For so many years blacks have been denied access to power and affirmative action is leveling out years of discrimination.
