Saturday, November 12, 2011

Study: Black Teens Less Likely to Use Drugs Than Other Races | Madame Noire | Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Black Hair | Black Love

Study: Black Teens Less Likely to Use Drugs Than Other Races | Madame Noire | Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Black Hair | Black Love:

'via Blog this'


  1. Refreshing! comes to mind while reading this article. Finally, rumors can be put to rest about African American youth being more likely to use drugs. The statistics speak for themselves, as low as 7.9, outstanding.Media driven negativity can be put to rest.

  2. On what scale? U.S.? I don't get it. This isn't a good point at all. That's just a number. That tries to point fingers while we're not looking at the real problem, in each environment, which is that our youth has a problem. Not our white youth, not our black or Asian youth. Our youth. This article is not refreshing, it's a finger pointing back instead of pointing up.

  3. Annastasia Allen AAAS 2100-U50November 27, 2011 at 7:09 PM

    Wow...That is interesting. I would like to see where this study was conducted and how many participated. Not saying that I do not believe these numbers, but I know where I am from, it was more likely that the Caucasian students were more likely to try drugs than African American Students. My town is very rural and predominantly white. I would just like to know where students from the inner city looked at because pressure is higher there. I have worked for the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Memphis and worked in one of the roughest parts of Memphis. I remember kids telling me how much peer pressure there was to just "try" drugs. Interesting study.

  4. Makes me think about how many of my white friends would try to get me to do some crazy things (cocaine, meth, acid). I didn't do drugs, and I'm noticing that many of today's children aren't using drugs. Now as far as selling, that's a different subject, and maybe someday they can get away from that trend as well.
